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"Four Stars"-Foreword Reviews Clarion Review


"Casting Lots is a[n] ... epic with a spiritual twist.  The story's end reveals that both Cornelius and Lucinius played significant roles in biblical history; one of these revelations comes as a surprise that places the book in a new light, and it's quite artfully done. Casting Lots has much to recommend it to fans of ancient historical fiction, and the message of faith at its heart is a pleasing bonus." -Blue Ink


"Had the Gospel writer Luke kept a diary, it might have read like Casting Lots, a debut novel by William D. McEachern. The book is a richly detailed first-century land and sea journey. Casting Lots is, in the end, an inspirational tale about those whose lives were so transformed by even brief interactions with Christ that they committed the rest of their days to the work of spreading the Gospel. It will grab readers as the story of two lost men finding their way, together. "-Foreword Reviews Clarion Review


"A poignant reimaging of an important era in Christian history.-Kirkus


"As I immersed myself in this story, I soon started researching historical and cultural events that the author presented, such as what comprised a Roman bath, the expectations of a slave and the largest mass crucifixion of 6000 slaves that lined the Appian Way. This novel acted as a springboard for me to build a better foundation of my understanding of what life was like in Biblical times and to therefore better understand the audience for which Luke wrote and the relevance of the scriptures upon their lives as well as reaching to my life experiences today. I encourage the reader to embark upon this journey that will surely invite inquiry of a spiritual nature as well as broadening Biblical review."- Magic City Morning Star


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